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How to Use Twitter for B2B Digital Marketing

Companies involved in the B2B industry are looking out for leads rather than individual customers. They are focused more on making long term leads than gathering many one-time end users of their product. B2B marketing is a marketing method where companies are looking to connect with other organizations that will purchase and use their products before reselling them – probably to another company or to the end user. This is why B2B marketing is much different from B2C marketing.

The former does not rely on flashy traditional advertising campaigns and B2B marketing caters to a more mature audience as companies involved are experts in the field. The internet is an excellent platform for B2B marketers and various social media websites are excellent channels for networking and finding B2B customers. Here are some tips to help companies nail B2B marketing on Twitter.

Share tweets from top industry sources

B2B companies and marketers need to cater to an audience that already knows a lot about their business. They need to also come across as industry experts and need to project the image of being in the loop with industry events. It is not always easy for B2B marketers and companies to create content about the latest industry trend or breaking news. It is better to take content from the best sources in the industry and provide your own analysis about it. Some of the popular sources for industry media for B2B marketers include Mashable, Hubspot and TechCrunch.

Retweet tweets from such sources so that you are providing your followers with great content constantly while maintaining a high reputation. Marketing on Twitter is not all about your brand but about providing your followers with content you think they will find interesting. In fact, don’t try and create Twitter content all on your own. When you find interesting sources for content, always tweet them for the benefit of your followers. Use a jQuery twitter plug-in on your website to enable live twitter feeds which also gives you the option to choose the number of tweets that are displayed in the live feed.

Schedule tweets

B2B companies and marketers that leave their Twitter accounts inactive give off the vibe that they really don’t care. This is the worst mistake you can make if you are actively trying to network and gather leads via Twitter. Maintaining a social media marketing campaign is not easy as you need to generate a lot of content and post frequently on a regular basis. This is why you need to use scheduling tools.

There are various Twitter scheduling tools available on the internet. You can easily schedule at least 2 to 3 tweets for each day whenever you have the time. The scheduling tool will upload the tweets for you at time intervals that you have set. Using scheduling tools will help you keep your Twitter page updated with a steady stream of good content. To further improve B2B marketing on Twitter, make sure to plan out a theme for each day to improve the quality of your tweets and to give you a direction to follow with your tweets.

Start a social media conversation

This doesn’t simply mean posting in a group and that’s it. Encourage people to comment by asking questions like “what is your opinion on this” or “would this work in your company”. Be sure to reply if someone comments. Also participate in conversations already started. This shows customers that you are engaged and interested in what’s going on in your industry.

Design your Twitter page appropriately

Don’t be lazy and just stick to the bland backgrounds that Twitter provides. You need to advertise your brand and make sure your brand image is clear, even on your social media profiles. You also need to make sure that your Twitter page makes an impact and is unique so that it stands out from the crowd and is memorable. Make sure to get professionals to create your Twitter background that highlights your logo and other components linked to your brand image. Your Twitter background should look professional and of a very high quality. The background must be clear and viewers should be able to read the name of the company and other text that is on the background image.

Your profile image should be related to the brand or you can put an image of yourself – as an important member of your company as the profile image. Your Twitter profile should also prominently display the links to your company website and blogs.

The post How to Use Twitter for B2B Digital Marketing appeared first on NARGA.

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