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Travel the U.S. with Liquid State’s Vapor Juice Wholesale Flavors

Liquid State manufactures a number of flavors inspired by staple food products from different U.S. states. The flavors of Liquid State will take you on a tour of the country – from New York to Georgia, down to Florida, over to Texas and California, up to Washington and then fly you to Hawaii. Give your customers the chance to taste the different flavors of America, or to proudly puff clouds of their favorite food from their own state. Luckily for you, all of the Liquid State juices are available for wholesale purchase. Let’s take a further look at all of their Vapor Juice Wholesale flavors that you can purchase and stock at your shop.

Liquid State’s “Coney Cake” takes vapers to Brooklyn, New York for a visit to Coney Island. Taste a powdered sugar, vanilla ice cream, and berry topped soft cake that is a staple at the famous boardwalk. It’s sweet taste will be coveted by customers from any state. Speaking of sweet, Liquid State also makes a flavor called “Sweet Leaf.” When people think of Georgia, they think of peaches. So of course this Georgia-inspired flavor will give its users a taste of juicy peaches. “Sweet Leaf” puts a twist on sweet tea lemonade by infusing a peach flavor into the refreshing drink blend. Florida is honored in their “Orange Dream” liquid. Your customers will be transported to the beaches of the sunshine state when they vape this desirable flavor tasting of a frozen orange treat. This orange sherbert popsicle is filled with a vanilla cream to make a wonderful flavor mix in it’s vape clouds. But it’s not all east coast offerings from Liquid State! Buckle up, we’re heading west.

Your customers can make a pitstop at a Texas rodeo with “Cowboy Cobbler.” Taste a traditional dessert from the lone star state in the vapor of this juice. A fresh, cinnamon graham cracker crusted blueberry pomegranate cobbler will be enjoyed by any buyer of this liquid. Then vapers can head on over to the west coast and make visits to California and Washington. Liquid State’s “Cali Colada” will refresh vapers from the west coast to the east coast alike. Cali Colada will help its user kick back and relax with the taste of a pina colada infused with mango, pineapple, and guava. Washington is famous for their crisp, delicious apples. Liquid State pays homage to the state in their “Apple Butter” e juice, winner of best bakery / dessert e liquid at the 2016 Vape Expo in Poland. Vapers will enjoy the taste of a freshly baked pie filled with caramelized apples and cinnamon. Finally, your customers can take a direct flight to the beautiful islands of Hawaii when you stock Liquid State’s “Passion Punch” liquid. A cold glass of fruit punch mixed from passionfruit, pineapple and dragonfruit with a splash of citrus is housed in each bottle of this vapor juice. And that rounds out Liquid State’s tour of the United States of Vape!

Allow your customers to take a first class flight to any of these U.S. states without having to pay for a ticket by providing them the option of buying from Liquid State. Visitors to your store will be eager to try these delicious juice flavors no matter where they’re from. Whether someone wants to hit the beaches of Hawaii or the boardwalk of Brooklyn, Liquid State is here to help. All of Liquid State’s national flavors are available for purchase at wholesalers such as Kingdom Vapor. Visit KingdomVapor.com to browse through all of these delicious vapor juice wholesale flavors today and start stocking an American food tour right in your shop.

For more information about Smok Wholesale and Joyetech Wholesale Please visit : Kingdom Vapor.

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