Let’s just start this article by giving a proper shout-out to the young entrepreneurs who are trying to make a name for themselves in this fast and harsh world of today. Being an entrepreneur is a quite a task to accomplish.

Yes, it does sound awesome when young people of your generation say that “Yeah! I own this company”. But the struggle they have to go through to be able to say that proudly is very long and has  LOTS of ups and downs.

The journey from being an entrepreneur to an effective CEO is filled with challenges. Getting over those challenges always leave the entrepreneur with valuable lessons. And this collective experience makes an entrepreneur an effective CEO.

In a start-up, the 2 most crucial things are:

  • Idea
  • People we hire

Idea is the base of any start-up but the people who convert that idea into reality are the real MVPs (Most Valuable Player). So the entrepreneur needs to be very careful in recruiting the people who will be the part of his dream. Let us discuss some of the don’ts and dos:

Recruitment of inefficient people

As I said, the quality of your squad is the most crucial part, so art of recruiting them should be very specific. So do not:

  • Recruit Friends or mutual friends or 3rd degree mutual friends
  • Recruit individuals without a trusted source backing them up
  • Hire on the basis of the popularity of the person, who does not have any proper knowledge or skill
  • Leave the recruitment process entirely

Things do differ from time to time and situation to situation but the points above are the baseline you should keep in mind. After all, recruiting only strong and capable people will help you get closer towards your dream. If you fail at this point you will have to face problems such as:

  • Bad hires will pollute your company culture and a wave of demotivation will flow through other employees too
  • Resources you have used on them will go down the drain
  • You have to waste your precious time to let them go and go through the hiring process again



Recruitment of Talent Fit people

Using your resources to improve your recruiting process like using a recruitment software to hire the team of culturally fit candidates can really boost the success of your organisation. Let’s shine some light on this path and know what we should do to achieve that:

  • Take a good look at the skills of the people you have hired already before hiring someone new. Maybe you can fill the new role by giving its responsibilities to someone you have already hired and make some perk arrangements so that they are able to perform well both the roles -with quality and good productivity at the same time. This will boost your employee’s morale to work harder and saveyou from the risk of a bad hire.
  • When you do have to hire, make the Job Description Crystal clear- the role, It’s responsibilities, expected results all should be explained correctly.
  • Creating a multi-level interview process helps a deeper analysis of the potential team member. Having the potential candidate meet different level members of your organisation help reveal more about them.
  • Whenever there are new team members in your company, they should be clear on what the company expects from them as well as what they can expect from the company.
  • Training of the new recruit should be well planned and properly executed
  • Time to time employee performance review should be conducted
  • Give some time to every employee and have a place where they can meet and discuss work related or personal things with a mentor in your organisation
  • Always welcome feedback from the people working for you

All the discussion up until this point must have given you a clear idea that as an entrepreneur, if you capitalize your recruitment process you can escape from a number of problems. And have a team of trusted, hard-working and fierce individuals who can get your start-up Idea work into reality with a smile on their faces.

I hope this article helps you have a clear understanding of key points you should keep in mind if you are an entrepreneur. But this article is a work of experiences. These are not some mandatory rules, which you must follow. Use your wisdom and assess the situation thoroughly before taking any decision. I would like to hear your experiences in the comment section below and don’t forget to share this article. Hire Recruitment Agency Singapore

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