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  1. Blog
Every type of industrial work environment is prone to many risks even when workers get sophisticated workplaces. Workers may encounter health hazards even when they commit a minor error. However, employers should work responsibly to make sure of the workers’ safety and well-being. Here comes the role of leather work gloves to safeguard the workers’ hands from […]
  1. Blog
Work gloves are worn to protect hands from potential mechanical hazards such as punctures, abrasions, cuts, and flame. They are further specialized for performing a certain task. These include multipurpose work gloves, construction gloves, general utility gloves, mechanics gloves (automotive work), leather welding gloves, insulated work gloves ( to keep warm during winters), leather working gloves, […]
  1. Blog
Introduction  Dehydration characterizes many signs, like dizziness, headaches, muscle cramps/soreness, and fatigue. When you experience any of the symptoms, you may think to get a glass of water or an energy fluid to become comfortable. Home-based remedies often quench us and give relief after a strenuous physical workout and similar chores. However, drinking water to overcome […]
  1. WordPress
Programmatic advertising has become a significant part of the ad buying landscape. In the future, advertisers will continue to rely on automation and AI to increase efficiency and effectiveness. What does the future look like for programmatic advertising? Programmatic advertising refers to the automated buying media inventory using real-time bidding (RTB). Advertisers bid against each […]

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Overview VipsPM – Project Management Suite is a Powerful web-based Application. VipsPM is a perfect tool to fulfill all your project management needs like managing Projects, Tasks, Defects, Incidents, Timesheets, Meetings, Appointments, Files, Documents, Users, Clients, Departments, ToDos, Project Planning, Holidays and Reports. It has simple yet efficient layout will make managing projects easier than […]


Turquoise Jewelry is one of the ancient healing stones used for personal adornment and astrological benefits. The rare greenish blue-colored pectolite is celebrated for its enchanting powers among many crystal lovers. It is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminum that ranks 5 to 6 on the Mohs hardness scale. It is deemed a protective […]
2020 has been a year that represents aggressive and sustained volatility with a confluence of unexpected situations, including economic shifts and market disturbance confluence. The COVID-19 pandemic forces businesses to adjust their methods of operations to ensure survival. These adjustments become the trajectory and guidance of what 2021 should look like and what companies should […]
COVID-19 pandemic has affected Thailand’s economy and labor market. World Bank’s Thailand Economic Monitor predicted that it would take Thailand over two years to return to its pre-COVID-19 growth and domestic product output levels. Although the country has successfully curbed the pandemic tide over the last few months, the economy remains severely hit. Nevertheless, heavily […]