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Top 5 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures That Are Worth Considering

Top 5 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures That Are Worth Considering-cd97ce28

Perhaps you’re currently considering cosmetic dentistry to make your smile more aesthetically pleasing and asking yourself how to choose an appropriate cosmetic dental treatment.

Basically, all cosmetic dentistry treatments strive to restore the teeth’s natural function and improve the visual look of your smile by changing the color, size, form, spacing, or position of your teeth. Cosmetic procedures can also be used to repair and replace teeth that have been damaged or lost.

Certain cosmetic dental procedures address a single cosmetic issue, while others address many issues simultaneously. Here are the top five cosmetic dental procedures to get you started with cosmetic dentistry:

1. Dental crowns
Crowns are dental caps that cover the full visible area of your tooth. Until being put to the tooth, they can be adjusted in terms of size, form, and coloring. They are good for repairing teeth that have been damaged by mild dental decay or injury. They are also typically used to safeguard the teeth following root canals.  Crowns can also be used for replacing a single missing tooth when put directly onto the dental implant post.

2. Dental implants 
Dental implants are titanium posts that serve as replacement tooth roots for a dental restoration like a crown, bridge, or denture. Implants are also frequently utilized for replacing missing teeth as well as badly damaged or decaying teeth that require removal. They are incredibly long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing, making them a great cosmetic procedure for people seeking an effective solution. They do, however, demand a somewhat more intrusive placing process and a healing period of roughly 3 to 6 months.

3. Teeth whitening 
Since it is inexpensive, efficient, and fast, in-office teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after cosmetic dentistry procedures. Whitening your teeth with professional tools and making them lighter by up to  5 to 10 shades in as little as one dental treatment! Your cosmetic dentist will apply a whitening substance to your teeth and let it sit there for about an hour. The whitening chemical penetrates your teeth and eliminates discoloration created by specific foods, drinks, personal habits, age, and meds. Once removed, the whitening chemical will keep whitening your enamel for up to 24 hours.

4. Dental veneers 
Dental veneers are thin shells placed over your front teeth to improve make them more aesthetically appealing. Most individuals prefer dental veneers since they can address numerous aesthetic issues with a single treatment. You can enhance the hue, form, size, spacing, and position of your teeth by having dental veneers installed. Based on your treatment goals, they can also be utilized for a single tooth or many teeth. When deciding whether to get veneers or not, keep in mind that a little piece of enamel surface is shaved off before installation. This also indicates that dental veneers are an irreversible cosmetic dentistry procedure.

5. Dental bonding
Dental bonding, also called composite bonding, is the process of gluing composite resin to the visible surface of a tooth in an attempt to improve the way it looks. Dental bonding is a diverse treatment that can improve tooth size, form, hue, position, and spacing. It can also be used to fix damaged or chipped teeth. Yet, it is normally only advised for minor problems. Furthermore, it is not a perfect remedy and only lasts 5 to 7 years. Dental bonding may be an excellent solution if you want to correct a minor problem or if you intend to replace it later.

The bottom line 
Dental crowns, dental implants, teeth whitening, dental veneers, and dental bonding can all serve to enhance the appearance of your smile in various ways, and some can even tackle multiple concerns at once. Book an appointment with an experienced dental specialist to learn more about which cosmetic treatment is best for you.

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