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How to Build on the Momentum of a Blog Writing Day

This is a guest post from Linda Dessau of

Newtons-cradle-balls-momentumHave you ever returned from a conference, class, seminar or other event, all gung-ho to apply your learning, but then find yourself quickly enveloped back into your busy life, with your new goals left behind?

It’s certainly happened to me, but I didn’t want it to happen to my Barrie Business Blogathon participants or the crew from Denise’s Virtual Blog Writing Day. So I put together these simple tips that will help you build on your momentum, so that you can keep building your blog and growing your business.

  1. Celebrate your successes in all forms – At the Blogathon, some people published new blog posts, while others wrote as many as three posts to publish later. At Denise’s Blog Writing Action Day, they celebrated 15 published posts! Some people got their questions answered, while others got new insights into the concept of attracting new clients with a blog. All experienced the camaraderie and driving energy of working with other people with a similar goal. Now those are some blogging successes!
  2. Summarize your learning – Whether you send a formal feedback form to the event organizer or just jot down some notes for yourself, take some time to highlight the key things you learned and the actions you will take going forward. 
  3. Integrate your new practices – Did the event inspire you to blog differently or more often? For new habits to take hold, it helps to piggyback on the existing systems that are working for you. Put on your lab coat and be willing to experiment. If something doesn’t work for you, tweak it until it does – instead of abandoning it altogether.
  4. Enlist ongoing support – I have always found it helpful to surround myself with people who see the positive qualities in me that I don’t always see. Think about who could help build your confidence as a blogger and a business owner, and keep their phone numbers and email addresses handy. Even better, schedule regular times to connect. 
  5. Restart your momentum at regular intervals – All of the above strategies will help, but it’s also important to re-energize your efforts. Sign up for another event, re-connect with your peers from the last event, re-read your notes or find other ways to light that spark.

What do you find helpful for keeping up your momentum?

Linda Dessau is the author of Write Your Way to More Clients Online and the founder of Content Mastery Guide. Visit her site today for more do-it-yourself blogging tips and hands-free blogging services.

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