
Bait Your Hook: The Best Freebies for Generating Leads

Your blog post might have every ingredient needed to make it great, but what happens when your readers reach the end?

With all the content they’re consuming, it’s likely your blog post will soon be forgotten, no matter how much they like it.

If you want your casual visitors to become customers, you’ve got to use a call to action.

But just asking your readers to take action often isn’t enough. They’re being asked to give up their email addresses everywhere they go, and their mailboxes are already overflowing.

Offering a targeted freebie is a great way to make your offer truly valuable to them and worth the risk of handing out their email address to yet another list.

This tactic isn’t new — you’ve probably seen tons of free ebooks offered in exchange for email subscriptions. But if you get creative with your freebie offering, you can overcome all the content noise to truly engage with your visitors and get targeted leads to get in contact with you. Just check out the list below for ideas and inspiration.


Ebooks may be old news, but they’re still a popular freebie for a reason: they can provide great value to your readers, and can also be very quick and easy for you to produce.

A persuasive landing page for a free e-book from Social Triggers.

A persuasive landing page for a free ebook from Social Triggers.

One easy way to create an ebook to offer as a freebie is by compiling a collection of related blog posts from your archives. There are plenty of apps you can use to create ebooks automatically, including:

Just choose a few blog posts on the same related topic you can string together into a narrative, edit them, and add them together with an intro and conclusion to create your ebook.

Unlike traditional books, ebooks don’t have to be very long. You can quickly create an original 10 or 20 page ebook, and call it a “report” instead.

Or, to pack even more value into your ebook freebie, create some extras to go with it (such as templates, checklists, graphics, etc.) and call it a “toolkit” or “bundle.”



Backlinko prompts viewers to subscribe to view the rest of the video.

While the written word will never be obsolete, online video consumption has exploded in popularity for all age groups online, with shorter videos (under 20 minutes) making up the majority of viewing. The opportunities for engaging with your audience via video can’t be ignored.

Quality videos can be costly to produce, but they don’t have to be, so don’t write them off right away if you’re on a limited budget. With shorter videos becoming more popular, it’s easy to create something quick and interesting that can appeal to your audience.

For content ideas, try starting with a short expert interview via Skype or Google Hangouts, or do a Q&A where you answer questions your audience sends in. You could also just make a video version of a blog post, or record a quick tutorial screencast with Camtasia or ScreenFlow.



Visitors to Make A Living Writing are offered a free podcast for subscribing.

A podcast is another way to grab the attention of those who don’t have the time to read a whole ebook. Podcasts are also booming in popularity, with millions of subscribers across the web.

Podcasts are also quick and easy to create, with an abundance of tools available such as Audacity, Podbean, and SoundCloud for creating and sharing your podcast. Since there’s no visual component, they can be much quicker to create than videos, but still allow you to reach a whole new audience than text only will.

Podcasts make a great content upgrade for individual blog posts as well, since it’s quick and easy to record and offer an audio version of your blog post, or additional material to add to your blog post.


White Papers

White papers might seem obscure or old-fashioned next to ebooks, streaming video, and podcasts, but they’re still a powerful tool today.

Hubspot offers problem-solving white papers to their B2B audience.

What exactly is a white paper, and how is it different from an ebook?

Ebooks are more casual and less technical, and work great for B2C businesses. They’re often shorter and easier reads.

While ebooks can be on any topic and in any format, white papers generally are persuasive reports that present a specific problem and solution. They tend to be more serious, in depth and technical, and more common in the B2B market.

That said, the line between ebooks and white papers can be blurry, and you might even find content that uses both labels interchangeably.


Email Course

Thrive Themes offers a free mini-course to subscribers.

An email course is another way to provide huge value to your visitors and position yourself as an expert in your industry.

Email courses might seem daunting, but they can be just as quick to put together as an ebook. You can create them from your old blog posts as well, if you have a lot of how-to and tutorial-like posts. Just choose posts that are related in topic and can be strung together into a cohesive course.

Courses can be easily automated using email list tools such as MailChimp or Aweber, so you can just set it and forget it.


Final Tips for Your Freebie

Some final tips for getting the most out of your freebie:

Share Your Freebie Examples

Do you offer a freebie to get more leads on your site – or have you seen a great example in your travels on the web? Share your examples in the comments below.

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