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5 Common Reasons Why Your Neck Hurts

5 Common Reasons Why Your Neck Hurts-18e27009

Neck pain can be quite exhausting since it can lead to headaches and complicate your daily activities. Your neck has a difficult task ahead of it. It can support the weight of a bowling ball all day. Your head, which weighs roughly 11 pounds, is supported by the bones at the top of your spine, as well as your muscles and ligaments. Since there are a lot of factors that can affect your neck, it is not surprising that it can start to ache. Here is a list of five common reasons why your neck hurts.

1. You have poor posture

One of the most common causes of neck pain and stiffness is poor posture. This is because poor posture can lead to chronic pain and many other complications. The condition of the neck and other areas of the body can be directly affected by the curve of the spine. 

Sitting or standing with the neck bent for long periods of time generates chronic strain, which can manifest as neck pain. Maintaining a straight and excellent posture should be a conscious action. Make it a habit to get up and walk around at work if you’ve been sitting for a long time. 

2. You suffer from arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. There are more than 100 conditions that affect the joints, tissues around the joint, and other connective tissues. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are deemed the most common types of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis occurs as the result of regular wear and tear of your neck joints as you get older. It results in stiffness and a limited range of motion in the neck. While rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the joints in the upper area of the neck, it can cause neck pain and stiffness.

3. You are stressed

Stress is a common issue for many people that can affect many aspects of their life including their health. If you are exposed to prolonged stress, you’re almost certain to have neck pain. Most people are aware that stress causes the body to stiffen up over time, which can result in muscular tension, exhaustion, and stiffness. The big muscular groups, such as the neck, shoulders, and back, may have knots, lumps, or clusters of tight muscles.

4. You have degenerative disc disease

Degenerative disc disease is a condition in which a disc that cushions movement starts to wear down and deteriorate. The space between the vertebrae narrows and this can lead to pinched nerves. That’s why this condition can cause neck and back pain.

Degenerative disc disease is usually caused by aging but poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle can also affect your discs. This condition is most commonly associated with low-level chronic neck discomfort and occasional periods of more severe pain and instability.

5. Your mattress is uncomfortable

If you tend to toss and turn in your bed all night and then get up with a stiff back and neck, it can be a sign to change a mattress. An old mattress can lose its form and make you look for a comfortable position to fall asleep. The mattress shouldn’t be extremely stiff or soft. The main purpose of a good mattress is to hold your spine properly during sleep. 

The bottom line

If you often experience neck pain, it can be a reason for concern. Due to the fact that some issues that cause neck pain can require medical attention, you shouldn’t delay your visit to a doctor. Timely and proper treatment can help you decrease painful sensations in the neck and improve the quality of your life in general. 

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